
Rules are subject to change from league to league. Check the All Ball app for your game’s rules.

In ALL Bantam DIVISIONS Players are to live in the boundaries of the HS area that their team represents or be expecting to attend HS in the area that they are representing.In SUPER LEAGUE Players may be from any area and may play on multiple teams but must be on that roster. No "grabbing" players. Like bantam, we rely on the honor system for this.

Policing this rule is VERY difficult. It is an HONOR rule. Please do the right thing and have the kids on your team be slated to attend the HS area being represented. This is done to help build the local HS programs, HS area pride and keep the competitive balance of the league and avoid a “Super League.” As a youth developmental league we hope that all parents and coaches will respect the rule and one another with regard to the rule and follow it on thier honor. Remember, learning to win is great for a young person and learning to lose is too!


Utah Bantam is not a qualifying event for AAU nationals and will continue to base participation in UC Bantam Winter, March and Preseason Leagues on Grade Level only.

Forfeit Rules:

Head coach and 2 assistant coaches allowed on the bench per team (no more than 3 adults)

Spectators are encouraged to, and should, sit on the side of the gym nearest their team. At NO TIME should spectators address opposing coaches or players. Please be respectful of players and coaches on BOTH sides as well as officials.


Basketball size and weight will be the 28.5 (Women’s ball) for Girls and for Boys 4th, 5th AND 6th grades. Official size and weight high school basketball is used for all other age groups.


Back court pressure is prohibited if leading by 20 or more points in ALL DIVISIONS


Back Court Pressure is prohibited in Boys 4BA, Boys 4BN, Boys 5BA, Boys 5BN, Girls 4GB and 5GB Divisions until the last 5 minutes of games. Be sure to inform your officials prior to the start of the game that you are in these divisions for enforcement.


NEW FREETHROW RULES:  2 shots at 7 fouls (no more 1 and 1).  High school rules have now eliminated the 1 and 1 with counting fouls by the quarter. At Utah Bantam we will continue to count fouls as prior: 7 fouls in the half gets to the bonus where 2 shots begin.

Uniform Rules

Home or Away?

Open the All Ball App

Click on Schedule

Select your game

Look under your teams logo to see if you are home or away

Scroll down to jersey color to see if you are dark or light

Find a team

Bantam does not guarantee players will find teams and does not actively place players with teams.  This page is provided only as additional help or those looking.  Bantam does not register individual players.

Players Looking for Teams


Section Break


Section Break

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Team looking for Players


Section Break


Section Break

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


If you have applied for your number and have not received it, you can look it up here:


All Players and Coaches participating in UC Bantam Basketball must have an AAU number to register. AAU numbers are valid from September 1st of each year until August 31st of the following year. If you have an AAU number for another sport, it is valid for UC Bantam as well. Please note that adult AAU numbers take additional time as they now include a background check. It is recommended to apply for them as soon as possible. Instructions to obtain an AAU number (NOT an AAU Club #):


Enter your AAU# into the All Ball app!

We need to add another thing at the end that says: 
“Insert your AAU# into the all ball app”